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Saturday, September 10, 2016

Fast DDoS Attack Cmd

Are you Under Attack? Strike Back with this tiny and portable tool aimed to be used by Casual\Non-Advanced Windows OS Users!

Fast DDoS Attack an IP-Address\Host-Name with this tiny and portable Windows Cmd based tool with just few clicks! (Yes, this tool was developed for you, Casual\Non-Advanced Windows OS Users!)

- Network Stress Testing and Denial-of-Service Attack Application!!!
- No installation is required (portable Application)

Portable App!
(Demands no installation at all!)

Extract and execute from any storage device!

Tested on 32 bit Win7!
(May work on 32/64 bit XP, Vista, Win7, Win8 and Win10!)

Download, Fast DoS Attack Cmd (v1.0):


DoS Attack (Denial-of-Service)
DDoS Attack (Distributed Denial-of-Service)
Network Stress Testing and Denial-of-Service Attack Application!!!


  1. Replies
    1. If you don't know how to use the application, so that's not my problem, but please don't say the application is fake, ok? Stay cool my friend!

    2. its not fake, anyone with a simple understanding of what a DoS attack is knows this is real!

  2. Replies
    1. maybe your firewall is blocking the application to access internet, if that is the case, I can't do anything about it!

    2. If you have an ipv6 internet connection, I think no results show up because replies from "ipv6" ping does not contain "TTL" string!

      In the other hand, in ipv4 internet connection, replies from "ipv4" ping contain "TTL" string!

      "Fast DDoS Attack Cmd" only shows ping result lines that contain "TTL" string!

      If anybody here can confirm that, I may release a new version in order to fix this problem!

  3. It works... Sadly it's just cmd based so it's limited but works great... Thanks mate, it helped me alot.

    There are people out there that steal Steam accounts and sell them for half the price it's worth. I was one of the victim since my account is full of the most awesome games till now. They are not so experienced in "hacking" and I was able to know teir IP's but till now I just DDoS'd them with no damage...
    Using this tool I was somehow able to burn the router of one of them. Since on my account I have my e-mail because I trade games and items, this dude contacted me and said he is really sorry about the theif attempt. I just told him to check better who is he trying to steal next time and he said he is no longer doing this.

    At first I was thinking he was joking but then when I tried to ping his IP just to be sure, guess what? Right his IP was no longer online. I was not 100% sure but there are 2 weeks now and every single day I check like 3-4 times per day and his IP is not online. (I work with the computer so I got it allmost non-stop in front of me)

    Sure he can use another IP now but no more stealing attempts for my account.

    1. Nice to hear that my friend! You used the application for a good purpose! That's great! Feel free to use the application as many time as you want and don't forget to share it with your friends and relatives! Stay Cool! Happy DDoS!

    2. how many packets you send ? i mean overall and packets/sec

    3. dude, how did you get his ip?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Steam reports the IP of any suspicious computer that logs into your account through email. I'm currently working on doing what OP did for the same reasons.

  4. Does it work on IPs or just URL?

    1. IP or URL, just like the ping command itself. Just be aware that hacking is illegal and you could end up with hefty fines and/or jail time.

  5. DAMN !!
    This is what i'm lookin for mate
    Thanks for makin this simple but great program

  6. pinging sends packets and to many packets can mess things up

  7. works fine for me ty guys

  8. The thing that so many people that try this don't get is that this program alone can't do much but it sure helps if you have the right tools and just miss a thing like this.
    Let's be honest, no one is going to manually ping an IP for a long amount of time but this solves this problem.

    I'm the one with the hacked account of Steam and now, more than a year after using it for what it is I started programming myself, just out of curiousity and this little thing made it happen.

    I was never involved with illegal programming situations before because I was afraid to mess with the wrong people. I was able to get my hands on a pretty good laptop for cheap, installed Slackware on it and made it my "hacking" computer. You have to know how to mask yourself on the web before doing something like this tho...

    I don't suggest anyone to do it if you have the minimum doubt about your security.

    Thanks again Bad InFiLLion for this amazing initiation to the "hacking world"
    P.S. the word "hacker" that I use is not related with illegal online activity since the word itself means PROGRAMMER

  9. I phished my friends ip adress and want to troll him, when i track the location of the ip adress it just shows up as his isp. if i do a attack on the ip will it just mess up his connection or will i be fucking with the isp. also will i be safe if i just use a vpn? or could people still track my ip and location.

    1. just another note it was his ip as it comes up when he searches it up but will it still fuck with the isp?

    2. It will depend upon the VPN provider!

      Make sure that the VPN provider you use is reliable (search google)!

      I don't think you will have problems with your ISP in case you are not using a reliable VPN, because, if I understand correctly, you are just defending yourself from imposters, right?

  10. if the router or server not allowed ping command and only allow web page to enter user and password how to make or sending many packet as your app over http/https ? i hope to help me

  11. What do you suggest using then

  12. So How Do You Use This?

  13. Hi, I'm a Moderator in a web browser game. I even have access to its server. There's this cheater who uses speed cheat and vpn. Every time I give him IP ban, he comes again within a minute with another IP. He's ruining the game and fun. I literally can't do anything more than kicking him from game again and again. I thought this idea and told him "If you won't stop now, I'll hack your PC." Since then he calmed a bit. But now, again he started ruining everything. I know that he got afraid when I told him that I'll hack, so, I believe just by doing little bit 'kind of hack' like disabling him from his own internet will stop him doing this ever again.

    I want to know, I have his IP. Now what to do?

    1. Do you have is real IP?

    2. Yes. Whenever he uses vpn, only the last 2 digits gets changed.

    3. Yes. Everytime he uses VPN, only last 2 digit changes.

    4. Just paste his real IP in "Fast DDoS Attack Cmd" tool and start the ping "Attack".

  14. To block it from the Internet, you need a vps
